Customer Experience Exploration

Customer Journey Research

XSIGHTS maps out the Customer Experience Journey from beginning to end in a holistic and strategic manner. For this type of research, XSIGHTS uses exit interviews, customer satisfaction surveys, guided shopping trips, ethnographic observations, focus group discussion and/or in-depth interviews depending on the nature of the customer experience. XSIGHTS uses a 4D Model for Customer Experience Journey Research. For more information, please contact us.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer Satisfaction is a key piece in today’s competitive markets. XSIGHTS’ Satisfaction Model measures customer satisfaction in material and psychological dimensions.  Using the latest technology, XSIGHTS is able to send measures of Customer Satisfaction via SMS. For more information about our Satisfaction Model, please contact us.

NPS and Customer Loyalty Surveys

NPS has been used as a stable measurement of marketing performance. XSIGHTS combines NPS with key loyalty questions to offer a solid understanding of how engaged customers are with a certain brand. For more information, please contact us.

User Experience (UX)

UX has become a must, especially for e-commerce. XSIGHTS employs experienced UX specialists to create useful suggestions for maximizing the interface experience of a website, ATM machine or mobile application. For more information, please contact us.

Mystery Shopping

XSIGHTS carries out mystery shopping to determine whether vendors, company branches and other service or sales points are in alignment with the desired company policies and operational practices. XSIGHTS’ reliable and objective measurement reveals the knowledge and skills of company staff, whether training programs have been effective and how employees are interacting with clients. Mystery shopping provides brand managers with key tips to improve the customer experience. XSIGHTS uses state-of-the-art software for its Mystery Shopping services. The software includes GPS controls, excellent reporting options, different scenarios and a large pool of mystery shoppers. For more information, please contact us.

Exit Interviews

XSIGHTS conducts exit interviews regularly for its retail clients. The exit interviews are conducted face-to-face at the exit of the retail or service points. The customers are asked about product diversity, availability, level of information of the representative and their shopping experience. The insights from these surveys are used to improve the overall customer experience and create targeted solutions for retail or service points.

If you would you like to become a Mystery Shopper, please click here.

For more information about our Mystery Shopping services, please contact us.